IT Support Center


24/7 phone support - During regular business hours, we provide full-service phone support. Limited phone support is available during overnight hours and on holidays. 


Support via Email - Email us today! Our inbox is monitored during normal operating hours. Login issues, like password resets, must be handled over the phone at (804) 828-2227 or in person at one of our locations.


In-person & Web-based consultation support - Specialized, one-on-one IT assistance is available via our consultation program. Click the Schedule a Consultation button to request an appointment today!


Laptops & AV Equipment - A variety of AV equipment and laptops are available to both campuses' students, faculty, and staff. Click the Book Equipment button for more information.



Walk-In & Support Locations

Cabell Library, Room B030 (Lower Level)

Monday through Friday:

9 am – 3 pm, Walk-ins Available

After 3 pm, Appointment Only

Click here to make an Appointment


Mar 10 – 14: Appointment Only

Apr 30: Appointment Only

VMI Building, Room 311 (3rd floor)

gradeIT and Equipment Loan Services only

See Campus Card Services for hours.





The mission of the IT Support Center is to facilitate the interconnectivity of individuals across the university through our dedication to world-class technical support and VCU’s core values, among them: achievement, collaboration, innovation, and integrity.

Our offices provide quick, courteous, and comprehensive IT support to VCU faculty, staff, students, affiliates, and alumni. At ITSC, we strive never to turn a customer away without some assistance. If we cannot resolve your issue, we will refer you to the correct area for further support.


In addition to IT support, we also provide the following specialized services for VCU faculty and staff:



Want to become a member of our team?
View our open postings on the VCU Jobs Site.
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Virginia Commonwealth University is a nationally renowned public research institution dedicated to the success and well-being of all members of its community. VCU student, faculty and staff groups and associations are open without regard to any characteristic or identity protected by law.