Re-processing gradeIT Tests
Need to change an answer on your key? Need to drop a question? The gradeIT system allows us to easily re-process tests for instructors. In many instances, we do not even have to re-scan the physical tests!
We are able to make the following changes to keys and send you a new results file:
- Add or remove a question from the test.
- Change the answer for a question.
- Accept multiple answers for a question.
- Count a question as bonus.
In order to request any changes to your key and to have your tests re-processed, please just reply to the original results file email you received to your VCU mail account inbox. If you can't find the file, you can also email us directly at with the test file name/date you wish to have re-processed, and the specific key changes you need. We will then re-process and send your new test results.
Unfortunately, we are unable to add curves or additional points to tests. This will still have to be manually adjusted by the instructor.
Please email or call the IT Support Center at 804-828-2227 with any questions or problems.
This article was updated: 04/7/2016