Wolfram | Alpha Pro
Description: Wolfram|Alpha is a computational knowledge engine that provides accurate responses to queries ranging from mathematical formulas to pop culture trivia. Wolfram|Alpha gets its information from a knowledge base of curated data from outside sources.
Platform: Web browser
Cost: No charge
Wolfram Alpha is powerful. Here's what it can do.
Answer questions
- Who should use Wolfram|Alpha?
- How many grains of rice would it take to stretch around the moon?
- What happened in August 1969?
Calculate and compute
Compare and contrast
- Caffeine in 24 oz. coffee, 24 oz. soda
- Movies starring Kevin Bacon and Tom Cruise
- Site rank of tumblr.com vs. instagram.com
License - Pro features
Wolfram|Alpha is freely accessible online without a subscription, but with limited features. VCU has acquired a university license for Wolfram|Alpha Pro, providing all VCU enrolled students, faculty, and staff access to the advanced paid features.
Paid subscriptions have no ads, and allow individuals to save favorite queries, view query history, and set preferences. With Wolfram|Alpha Pro, you can:
- input your data and images,
- upload and analyze over 60 file types,
- use a mathematical symbol keyboard,
- customize the visual output,
- download output data,
- interact with output in Computable Document Format (CDF),
- view larger outputs (with zoom) and
- perform longer computations.
It also provides mathematic learning tools, including step-by-step solutions and a practice problem generator.
Resources and Support
There are several resources available for Wolfram|Alpha Pro, including mobile and web apps that provide a variety of subject areas. Apps are grouped by category, course assistants, reference apps, professional assistants, and personal assistants. Additional resources and tools are also provided.
Wolfram provides support for the use of Wolfram|Alpha Pro. For issues accessing the Wolfram|Alpha Pro, contact the IT Support Center.
How to Log In
- Visit https://www.wolframalpha.com
- In the upper right-hand corner, click Sign In
- Click Single Sign-On (SSO)
- Enter your VCU email address and click Continue
- Log in using your eID and associated password