Requirements Analysis
One of the most effective ways to improve project performance is to make an accurate determination of the project's overall requirements for the first action taken. VCU's Project Management Methodology establishes a requirements analysis as the prerequisite for approval to initiate an information technology project. The Project Sponsor and primary stakeholders are expected to actively participate in developing the project's objectives, business goals, and deliverables.
The Project Management Office will coordinate a Requirements Analysis for all project proposals received by Technology Services or when requested by a University school or department. For IT projects that originate in University schools and departments that do not impact Technology Services, the project initiation and approval process in the implementing organization should be followed.
Results of all PMO-led requirements evaluations are to be reviewed by the CIO and IT Governance team for approval and determining the project's implementation priority within Technology Services. The criteria used to make that determination include the contribution to the University's strategic goals and objectives, Return On Investment (ROI) analysis, and or mandates from any University governing bodies.
The PMO has developed two documents to help guide a requirements analysis. The short version is targeted at projects with minimal cost, resource, and time requirements. The extended version is targeted to projects that utilize more University budget, support, and time and is recommended to be used for most projects.
The Project Manager uses information gathered in the Requirements Analysis to determine the complexity classification of the project and the documents required by using the:
VCU Project Planning Template (link forthcoming)
This article was updated: 04/20/2020