Spring 2010 Student Survey
VCU Technology Services conducted a satisfaction survey of VCU students, spring 2010, using the TechQual+ survey instrument. TechQual+ is a young four-year-old survey based on the same methodology used successfully for many years by the Association of Research Libraries’ LibQUAL+ survey. While the relative immaturity of the TechQual+ project means that the results are unlikely to be as reliable as LibQUAL+, the study does provide us with insights into where we need to concentrate on improving services.
This same survey instrument was used to survey VCU students in spring 2009. While there are still areas needing improvement, we are pleased that for every question except one in the survey, the perceived level of service delivered improved from last year’s survey. Three of the five items identified in last year’s study as most needing improvement, “Email,” “Consistency in problem resolution,” and “Macintosh support” did not show up as significant issues in this year’s analysis. Results from last year’s survey, along with the conclusions and action plans that were updated as promised throughout the year can be found in links on the right.
Technology Services greatly appreciates the time and effort that many of you put in to complete the Spring 2010 Student Satisfaction Survey. Based on the survey findings and on analysis of the open-ended questions and suggestions, we identified the following as the areas students would most like to see improvement. Click on the area to learn more about the conclusions and actions for each area:
- Wireless
- Network reliability and speed
- Access to services from mobile devices
- More open access computers
Again, thanks to the many of you who took your time to provide your feedback about how we are doing and make suggestions on how we can improve. This document will again be updated over the next year with our progress as we work to address the issues that were pointed out. It is always helpful to us for you to report problems that you have to the VCU helpIT Center (828-2227, help@vcu.edu) with as many specific details as possible.
Your comments on these plans are welcome. You will be asked to authenticate to ensure that comments are from VCU, but your comment will be stored anonymously. Please include your name and contact information if you would like a response.
Complete Survey Results
Spring 2010 Student Technology Satisfaction Survey
This article was updated: 04/20/2020